Archive for the ‘Dives’ Category

Congratulations, Scuba Cat Diving is 100% Aware

Posted on March 30th, 2012 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Congratulations, Scuba Cat Diving is 100% Aware

Scuba Cat Diving, Phuket, Thailand are pleased to announce that we are now 100% Aware, the first Dive Centre on Phuket to achieve this.

What is 100% Aware?

100% Aware is a voluntary program that encourages dive centres around the world to promote the work of Project AWARE, a non-profit organisation that relies on financial support from environmentally concerned divers.

100% AWARE donations will target protection for the world’s most threatened shark species and the removal and prevention of marine debris from precious underwater environments. Together we can make ocean protection a reality.

Here at Scuba Cat Diving we certify hundreds of scuba divers each year, so our involvement in the 100% AWARE program represents a substantial investment on our part in the work being done by Project AWARE.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand


By joining 100% Aware we show our commitment to support the Project Aware movement of scuba divers protecting the ocean planet.

The Project Aware movement focuses on two major ocean issues – Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris, or rubbish in our Oceans.

There are many conservation issues converging on our ocean planet at once, but by concentrating on these serious problems where scuba divers are uniquely positioned to directly and positively affect real, long-term change, we hope to be able to make a positive, tangible difference in these two areas.

We believe this is our responsibility as leaders in the diving community and this is just one more way we can help and show our commitment.

The underwater world is not only ours to enjoy, but also ours to protect.

Scuba Cat Diving  5* CDC Phuket Thailand


We`ve been working with Project Aware for years, and have a number of initiatives to promote environmental conservation


  • Underwater and beach clean-up activities
  • Fundraising activities
  • Conservation courses, including our new AWARE Shark Conservation Diver Course
  • General awareness and promotion of conservation in everything we do.
  • Artificial reefs
  • We are also spearheading the campaign on Phuket to ban the trade of shark fins.
  • As part of our partnership with Project AWARE, we also recently hosted Finley, Project AWARE`s own shark ambassador, as she toured the world promoting shark protection.
Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand 100% Aware

Shark Awareness at Molly Malones

What does this mean for you?

As a Scuba Cat Diving Student Diver, you will now receive the special limited edition Project Aware certification cards to stand out from the crowd and serve as a reminder of the importance of conservation.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand 100% Aware

Project Aware Certification Card

We encourage our students to make their own voluntary donations to Project Aware above and beyond ours.

Each time you take a Dive Course, you will be helping in the movement to address two major ocean issues – Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris


Scuba Cat Diving Green Star Award – a first for Thailand

Posted on January 20th, 2012 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Scuba Cat Diving Green Star Award – a first for Thailand

Scuba Cat Diving, Phuket, Thailand  Green Star Award

"Another first for Scuba Cat Diving"

Green Star Award Program 

 Go green and earn recognition for your conservation practices
with the new Green Star™ Award

On January 20th 2012, Awarded Scuba Cat Diving, 5 * CDC, Phuket, Thailand, the Green Star Award for our dedication to environmentally responsible business practices and commitment to conservation of underwater habitats.

We are proud of being the first dive business in Thailand to be awarded such prestige. We are committed to to push our eco programs and practices to ensure the future sustainability of our Ocean Planet.

  Green Star Award Program

Did you fall in love with the aquatic realm the first time you went underwater? If you’re like most divers, your first experience meeting and greeting the denizens of the deep most likely left a lasting impression – and sparked a deep sense of caring about the health of our ocean planet.

On a more practical level, the commitment of divers to environmental conservation helps preserve dive sites around the world — so divers like you can return to favorite sites year after year.

There’s more to going green than simply jumping on the eco bandwagon.

The Green Star Award identifies Scuba Cat Diving as one that cares about the environment and is acting to protect it.

About the Award  

Dive Centres and Resorts who have earned the Green Star Award demonstrate a dedication to conservation across a wide range of business functions, including (but not limited to):

  • Water conservation
  • Energy use
  • “Environmentally friendly” transportation practices
  • Optimized waste management
  • Use of sustainable materials
  • Conservation leadership

Project Aware, Phuket, Thailand

Dive 2011

Posted on August 8th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Dive 2011

Scuba Cat Diving will be bringing a small piece of Phuket, Thailand to you in the UK later this year.

Dive 2011, NEC, Birmingham, England , 22nd and 23rd October 2011.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Learn to Dive

This is the 5th consecutive year that Scuba Cat Diving has had a presence at Dive, this is the biggest Dive Show held in the UK. The show is organized by the Diver Group and has been held annually since 1991.

We will be celebrating of our 5th Anniversary of attendance with special offers and promotions, a free live aboard trip  plus 10% discounts on all bookings made with us at booth 1265 on the Asia Pacific Showcase during the show!

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Dive 2011

"MV Scuba Cat"

This year representing Scuba Cat will be Sarah, Kath and Clare. If anyone wants to drop buy and buy any of us girls a coffee that will be fantastic, make it a wine………… and you have gained a friend for life!!!!!

After sharing a drink and a chat with us, why not spend time looking around the rest of the show you will get ideas for the latest kit to bring with you on return visit to Thailand along with some fantastic free to enter seminars hosted by top name diving professionals.  Two of the UK’s best-known Diving Celebrates will be there, Paul Rose and Monty Halls. Also Mark Powell, a well-known technical diver, will be addressing the controversial issue of Solo Diving, plus many more famous names………

Do you enjoy underwater photography and would like to know more or update your camera equipment? For the first time Dive 2011 presents “Photo Zone” the area will include exhibitors of leading camera and accessory suppliers, alongside many experts with advise for you on getting the perfect picture.

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to free dive?  Take part in a 10-minute relaxation and breathing lesson followed by a free diving simulation.

Aqualung Partner Centre

Posted on August 7th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Aqualung Partner Centre

Scuba Cat Diving  is renowned for being a complete dive centre offering a whole range of products and services.

At the beginning of high season 2010 this position was reinforced when a Partnership between Scuba Cat and Aqualung was cemented. This has enabled Scuba Cat to offer an extensive range of premium quality equipment, accessories and services. We went through an extensive selection process to gain this partnership and it is proving highly beneficial.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand  5 * CDC Centre Phuket Thailand

Aquamaster  is the sole Thailand distributor of  Aqualung along with other world renowned brands including  Uwatec, Sea and Sea, Underwater Kinetics, PSI, and Blade fish. The highly qualified technicians for Aqualung Products at Aquamaster are versatile and can repair or service equipment at the drop of a hat as they carry a full range of spare parts for all the Aqualung Products.

If you buy equipment from Scuba Cat, it will be already assembled, so that it is just waiting to get wet!!!  The staff from both Companies are divers, therefore they understand the needs, wants and desires of their customers. Expert, impartial advise is freely available at any time.

It can be a minefield when buying equipment as the range of products on the market is so extensive. How do you know if a particular brand or model will meet your expectations? This is easily remedied by taking advantage of the “try before you buy” option that is offered by the Partnership. This program means that the customer can try various pieces of equipment, so an informed decision can be made before making a purchase.  Aqualung ‘s range includes specific  categories, for example, equipment  designed for women. This range is stylish and has been designed with the female morphology and physiology in mind. One of the latest concepts is the Global traveler. The constraints that are placed by airlines with weight can be very restrictive when travelling with your own dive equipment. Aqualung and Scuba Cat are offering a range with the traveler in mind.  This range includes the lightweight  zuma bcd, which weighs only 2.5kg, the micron regulator, hotshot fins and comes with a compact carry case which is an ideal size to take in the cabin of the aircraft. The other ranges that are offered suit technical divers, cold water divers and junior divers.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Aqualung Zuma Travel BCD

Scuba Cat’s partnership with Aqualung has been a very positive move and is beneficial to all parties involved, especially Scuba Cat’s customers.

Scuba Cat Diving Trip Adviser

Posted on August 5th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Scuba Cat Diving Trip Adviser

Scuba Cat Diving gained our first trip adviser report in November 2009, now nearly two years later we are amazed by how much this site has grown.

More and more customers that are booking with us either by the shop or by the internet, are telling me that they have read Trip Advisor reports and the customer testimonials to help them make their decision for their holiday.

Trip Advisor has become a valuable resource helping people make decisions about which hotel to stay at, the activities to choose whilst they are in Phuket, and most importantly for us which dive center choose.

Every Scuba Cat report is genuine, Real customers who have used our Dive Centre here in Phuket to provide their diving for them, write all the reviews on there.

At Scuba Cat Diving you can expect a quality service, provided by an award winning team, in relaxed and friendly surroundings, we like to ensure our guests get the most out of their holiday, no matter what diving experience they have.

We want our customers to come back again and again and recommend us to their friends and family.

Sarah Kench, owner of Scuba Cat Diving is originally from the England. Having spent many years diving in the UK before moving to Thailand 7 years ago, she realises the importance of safety in Diving but not forgetting the fun! She spends her time making sure everyone receives relaxed, uncrowded and enjoyable diving, whether it be their first or hundredth dive! She is now a Course Director, you never know where you will find her next: in the office answering emails, teaching a IDC, or with the Scuba Kittens – the next generation of divers!