Marine Life of Phuket – Sea Horse

Posted on August 22nd, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Marine Life of Phuket – Sea Horse

The Seahorse is one of the “must see” critters amongst divers in Phuket.

They are found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide often in sheltered areas, for example, sea grass beds, coral reefs and mangroves.  Seahorses belong to the fish genus Hippocampus, a name derived from ancient Greek, Hippos meaning horse and Kampos meaning sea monster. The Seahorse has been named for its’ equine profile. Although the seahorse is classified as a bony fish it does not have scales, but has a thin layer of skin that is stretched over a series of bony plates.  There are fifty species of Seahorses worldwide ranging in size from 1.5cm to 35cm each having its’ own distinct number of plates.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Sea Horse


Seahorses are poor swimmers and are found often resting with their prehensile tail wound round a stationary object. They are territorial with the male staying in a 1m square of their habitat, whereas the female may travel up to 100times that area. All species of Seahorses swim in an upright position with the dorsal fin moving rapidly up to 35 times a second!!!  The pectoral fin is positioned behind the eyes and this is used to steer. There is no caudal fin. Each individual has a coronet on the head that is unique to the individual. They also have eyes that move independently.

It is believed that Seahorses mate for life, but there is no data to prove monogamy. However, it is known that a breeding pair will be together for the breeding season.  The courtship between the male and female cements the bond between them and is a very important part of the relationship and may take several days. The courtship behavior synchronizes the movements, so when the female is ready she can deposit her eggs into the male brood pouch. One of the unique things about Seahorses is that the male incubates the eggs. The Courtship dance is also known as the “pre-dawn dance” They may change colour, swim side-by-side holding tails and spiral in unison. Once the pair have bonded and the female is ready to transfer her eggs a courtship dance lasting up to 8 hours will take place. During this time the male will pump water into his brood pouch, which is on the ventral or front facing side, expanding it.  As the pair drift upwards the female inserts her ovipositor into the male’s pouch depositing her eggs.  Once the eggs are transferred the pair sink and the female swims away.  The amount of eggs laid depends on the species ranging from 5 to 1500, but the average is 100 to 200.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Sea Horse

Once the male has the eggs they are fertilized and are surrounded by a spongy tissue. The pouch acts an incubator and provides oxygen and a controlled environment where the salinity is regulated to prepare the young for life in the sea. By the end of the incubation period the male consumes a third more oxygen than before mating. The female energy expenditure while generating the eggs is twice that of the male during incubation. The gestation period is 2 to 4 weeks during which time the female will visit the male on a daily basis interacting for about 6 minutes.  When the fry are formed the male contracts the pouch releasing the young into the water column. The birth normally happens at night allowing the male to receive more eggs from his partner the following morning. Once the young are ejected into the water they are independent as there is no parental care.

It is estimated that less than 0.5% of the fry survive to adulthood. The survival rate is higher compared to other fish due to the protected gestation of the male. It is believed that the male takes the role of incubator because the female takes a long time to produce eggs. This reduces the time between clutches, thus increasing the amount of young.  When the eggs are ready they must be transferred to the male’s pouch within a few hours. If this is not possible the eggs are ejected into the water. Once the eggs are laid the female reduces in size. The eggs are equivalent to one third of her body weight!!!

The Seahorse has an unbelievable appetite and eats constantly. It is possible for an individual to eat 3000+ brine shrimp in a day. They will also consume minute fish, crustaceans and plankton.

Unfortunately, there is very little data on Seahorses, so it is impossible to assess the population and whether or not it is endangered. The use of Seahorses in traditional Asian medicine has put pressure on the population as this type of medicine will only use fish from the natural habitat and will not consider individuals from captive breeding. This combined with the deteriorating habitats and souvenir collecting does point to the extinction of some species.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Continue the Adventure

"Take that purrfect shot"

The Seahorse is a prized treasure amongst underwater photographers, as getting the perfect shot can be a challenge due to the coyness of the creature. If you would like to capture “the shot” why not consider doing a Digital Underwater Photography Specialty Course, and now be able to spend more time learning to take the photographs why not take the theory for the Speciality with E learning?

Similan Islands – What are they?

Posted on August 20th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Similan Islands – What are they?

The Similan Marine Park is located 70km west of Thailand Phang-Nga province. This group of islands is considered to be one of the top dive destinations in the world, mainly due to the clear water that surrounds the islands.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Similan Islands

Similan was derived from the Malay work for nine “Sembilan” as the little archipelago is made up of nine islands. The islands do have local individual names, but are usually referred to by their respective numbers from North to South.

The Similan’s were designated as a National Park of Thailand in 1982 and cover an area of 128km2, which includes Koh Bon and the two rocky outcrops of Shark Fin Reef and Hin Pusa.

In 1998 an extra 12km2 of area was added when Koh Tachai was added to the park, which is now a total area of 140km2, of which only 15km2 is land.

Most of the islands are uninhabited with the exception of Islands 4, 8 and koh Tachai, which have national park offices located on them.

With the nine islands you get a wide variety of experiences, activities and stunning views, there are white sand beaches and massive boulder formations.

Underwater there are amazing coral gardens and diverse marine life ideal for all divers.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Similan Liveaboards

The topography differs between the eastern and western sides of the islands. The east side consists of sandy bottoms with wide and colourful soft and hard coral fields that slope down to 40m in some areas. They have gentle current and make for easy diving.

The west side is characterized by large, stacked granite boulder formations which create tunnels and archways with impressive scenery. Currents here can be unpredictable which can make the diving more challenging for beginner divers. But this side is exposed to the open sea and provides good opportunities to spot big pelagic life.

Island 1               Koh Hu-Yong

The second largest island lies 8km south of island 4, it has the largest white sand beach of the Similan National Park which is located on the north side of the island. The beach is a protected area and has a Turtle hatchery, you need special permission from the forestry department to enter this island.

Island 2 and 3     Koh Pa-Yang and Koh Pa-Yan

These two islands are also protected, their topography is granite boulders with mountains and cliffs, no beaches. At resent all the first 3 islands are closed to diving in an effort to preserve the underwater environment. The most southern dive sites are the rocky outcrop of Shark Fin Reef and the submerged site of Boulder City.

Island 4               Koh Miang

The island has a marine park office, camping, small bungalows and a fresh water supply. There are 2 beaches, Haad-Yai or Princess beach on the north and Haad-Lek or Honeymoon beach to the East. There is a trail that runs between the two through the forest. Also on the island is a view point where once you reach the top has a spectacular view of the south islands of the Similans, the trek to get there is a little energetic though.

Islands 4 and 5   Koh Ha and Koh Hok

These two islands are located to the East of Island 4 and are the smallest in the group. The landscape underwater is spectacular with both fringing reef and boulder formations.

Island 7               Koh Pa-Yu

The island has a combination of granite formations and sand beaches. The East side of the island is now closed to diving, but the north and west sides offer rocky pinnacles as dive sites which are covered in soft corals. Again these sites are open to the ocean so currents can be encountered along with the bigger pelagic life.

Hin Pusa

Is located between islands 7 and 8 and is a group of boulders known as “Elephant Head Rock” as the shape resembles the head of an elephant. The site is recommended for experienced divers due to the depth and current.

Island 8               Koh Similan

Is the highest and largest of the islands and has a marine park office and camping in the North of the island at Donald Duck Bay. It is also where the famous Sail Rock is located which is a symbol of Similan. The view from the Rock shows the North part of the Similans. There is no diving on the west or East side of the island, leaving only the North area available.

Island 9               Koh Ba-Ngu

The island has no beach, but is a favorite with divers due to the scenery underwater, it has a mix of coral reef and rocky outcrops.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Koh Bon Similan Islands

Koh Bon

The island is North east of Similans, with no sand beaches it is a limestone island with an unusual “hole” which traverses the island on the west side caused by sea erosion. The most popular dive is the ridge where a cleaning station for Manta Rays can be found.

Koh Tachai

This is most Northern part of the Similan Marine Park.  The island has a beautiful white powder beach where the park office is located. With many dive sites including a plateau to the south it is a popular dive destination.

Richelieu Rock

Although not part of the Similan marine park this is often dived on the same liveaboard trips. It is actually part of the Surin Marine Park and is located between the mainland and Surin islands. It is a submerged pinnacle know for it colourful soft coral and rich diversity of life, which can include the smallest creatures such as ghost pipe fish and sea horses to the largest of whale sharks and Manta rays.

Diver Safety – The importance of the SMB

Posted on August 19th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Diver Safety – The importance of the SMB

A Surface Marker Buoy, also known as an SMB or safety sausage is an essential piece of kit for the safety conscious diver.

There are several types of surface marker buoys on the market including the open ended and self-sealing.  Scuba Cat has for several years, stocked a range from the Company “Surface Marker”. Udo Hartig, a diver himself, for optimum visibility, durability and ease of use, has designed this particular range.  It is a range that has proved popular amongst professionals and recreational divers.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Surface Marker SMB

"Surface marker"

An SMB is highly recommended in areas where there is boat traffic. The deployment signals to the boat Captain that there are divers completing a safety stop (5metres for 3 minutes) and are about to surface.  Deployment will also aid divers as it can be used as a reference to maintain the correct depth whilst on the safety stop.  An SMB is also essential when drift diving as it enables the boat crew to track the divers in a current.  Should the diver surface away from the boat the use of an SMB will minimize the wait on the surface, particularly in poor conditions such as high waves and poor light conditions. After all, it is so much easier to see a brightly coloured SMB at distance as opposed to a small head in a large ocean!!

Surface Marker have produced two open ended SMB’s that are compact and come complete with a carry pouch that can easily be attached to the BCD. The SMB’s are made from very durable 210D Nylon and are dual coloured, orange one side and neon yellow on the other. This is the best colour combination for a recreational diver. The orange is bright in strong sunlight and significant glare, whereas the neon yellow is excellent for diminishing light conditions. They also have “Diver Below” written in bold letters. The open-ended SMB’s come in two sizes 145cm and 175cm. The latter is a deluxe model and also has a reflective strip, which increases the visibility of the diver.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Diver Safety The SMB

"Surface Marker"

The one component that sets these buoys apart from other products on the market is the innovative Webbing Deployment System in also known as WDS. This system is simple to use and minimizes risk of entanglement, which is common when SMB’s are used with string. The webbing system folds neatly and is secured with a small bungee cord. As the SMB goes to the surface the webbing unravels easily and it can be effortlessly gathered on ascent.  This particular system eliminates the use of a reel, which can be daunting for some divers. It is definitely a simplistic system that is proven to work. The ideal depth to release the SMB is at 5.5m, which is ideal for the safety stop. The diver can easily maintain contact with the webbing by using the stainless steel thumb ring. This can easily be released should the need arise.

The Surface Marker Pro is a self-sealing SMB, which is commonly used by professionals and technical divers. These buoys are designed to be inflated at depth. The self-sealing internal baffle ensures that the SMB remains fully inflated on the surface. Self-sealing SMBs are fitted with an over pressure release valve, which allows expanding air to escape as it ascends. This particular SMB comes in three colour combinations that cover all requirements. Technical divers on ascent and decompression stops normally use the orange. This colour signifies that all is well. However, should a problem arise then a technical diver will deploy neon yellow which indicates to the surface support that a problem has arisen and that maybe immediate assistance is required. It is also possible to attach a diver’s slate to the SMB, so communication with the surface is possible.   Instructors tend to favour the dual coloured SMB, which offers optimum visibility in all surface conditions. The range of self sealing SMBs are also furnished with the highly visible SOLAS tape and an attachment for strobes or a cyalume stick.

It is possible to encounter problems when deploying an SMB.  One problem that may arise is a jamming reel when using a self-sealing SMB, which does not have the WDS system.  It helps to have a simple reel or use a finger reel that will not jam.  Surface Marker has finger reels available that will fit snugly into the carry pouch of the SMB, which reduces the bulk of equipment.  The finger reels come complete with 30m of line, a stainless steel double ended snap hook and a thermoplastic spool for durability. When using any reel system be mindful of the possibility of entanglement and do not attach the reel to diver. If the SMB is dragged for any reason and you are attached then a rapid ascent may result.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand  5 * CDC

"Finger Spool"

When inflating the SMB it is recommended to keep your regulator in your mouth at all times. If you use the primary air source and problems enfold then it is difficult to resolve them. It is important to remain calm and in control. When inflating the SMB it is advisable to use one of two methods. Firstly, the alternative air source can be held under the open end of the buoy and air can be purged inside. However, be mindful that in cold conditions this may result in a free flow. The second method of inflation is open the buoy above the primary demand valve and exhale allowing the air to enter the SMB.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Surface marker Life Bag

"Thank you"

Surface Marker also supply 25kg and 65kg lift bags. Scuba Cat has been loaned several by Surface Marker for use on the clean-up events that are held at least bi-annually. The main events are Earth Day and International Clean-Up. The latter event is a extended to a weekend accommodating participants on one of the two liveaboards, MV Scuba Cat and MV Scuba Adventure.  The loan of the lift bags has proved invaluable over the years for lifting various objects varying in size. They are also ideal for marking objects that need lifting on subsequent dives. The lift bags are available in orange and neon yellow and are made from the very durable 210D Nylon, the same material as the SMB’s. The bags are furnished with a top handle and dump valve, which allows the diver to make a controlled ascent rate when surfacing. They also have a strong stainless steel ring for attaching rope. The self-sealing system ensures that the lift bag will remain inflated on the surface.

One of the latest products is the signal mirror. This is compact and can easily be slipped into a BCD pocket. Should you find yourself in the daunting position of not being seen by a boat the mirror comes into it’s own. The unique feature of the mirror is that it can be directed at a specific target and can be visible for 32km!!!!! You could even signal to a passing aircraft…

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Surface Marker Signal Mirror

"Signal Mirror"

Signalling devices are a must. If you would like to become more confident deploying an SMB then why not do the Distinctive SMB Deployment Speciality or The Drift Diver Speciality.

Search and Recovery is the ideal Speciality if you would like to learn how to use lift bags.

News – Your Certification Card

Posted on August 18th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on News – Your Certification Card

Congratulations…… you have just completed your Advanced Open Water Course.

So how do you show this to Dive Centres around the world?

Your certification card is proof that you’ve successfully completed your training. This will arrive through the Post system to your home address. Once you have the card you are ready to start diving.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand  Certification Card


If you’re like most divers, you never miss an opportunity to go scuba diving.

If you loose the card, what can you do?

You may also want to replace your card if:

  • You damage it .
  • You changed your name. (You’ll need a copy of legal documentation of name change.)
  • You are upgrading from any Junior Diver certification.
  • You would like to replace your existing card with a new Project AWARE Edition Certification Card.
Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand  Certification Card
  • You want to collect fun limited edition certification cards!

You can easy replace your card online at .com. It will be with you in about 3 weeks. You can also print a temporary card if you cant wait that long.

It’s a little bit harder to change your name, contact first and let them have an email showing the legal documentation. They will change your name on their system; you can then order the new card online. Sound like too much admin? Again why not take the next course?

The future is coming….

As with everything else this small card is going electronic.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand  Certification Card

"the future....."

The eCard uses the power of the smartphone (initially available for Apple, and Android smartphones) and will be hosted, managed and displayed using the Application.

The eCard will be proof of certification.
Security of the eCard was one of s primary concerns, so QR coding (a specific, two-dimensional code) is integrated to make authentication straightforward and easy.

The eCard will be available for new certifications and replacement cards starting in fourth quarter 2011.

Divers will have the options of a eCard, plastic certification card or both.

Similans Liveaboard MV Scuba Cat – Carl’s story

Posted on August 15th, 2011 by admin-scubacat-dw  |  Comments Off on Similans Liveaboard MV Scuba Cat – Carl’s story

We first had the opportunity to try out the Scuba Cat fleet when we went out on a Day Cruise on Scuba Fun to Racha Noi back in 2005.  My Wife, Amy and myself, Carl McKay were on a larger family vacation and we were all aboard, some certifying, some diving in what was our first visit to Phuket. We feel in love with Phuket, the water, the people.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Diving Daytrips

"Scuba Fun"

We have been back almost every year since.

……..Second trip to Scuba Cat

Our family had encouraged us, to move up to the next level of diving:  A live-a-board.  A what-a-who?  Hadn’t done that before and after an explanation of the location at the Similan Islands, the boat and what we could see, we went for it.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba Cat

"MV Scuba Cat"

The first trip was three diving days.  We arrived from Scuba Sport, the transfer boat, to the remote Scuba Cat Boat.  We didn’t know what to expect.  Surprise was our first expression.  Out in the middle of this clear blue water, we find some islands, a few boats and this mobile diving “experience” – I think you have to look at Scuba Cat, not only as a dive boat, but a place that you quickly connect with new faces that work on board and other guests who are there for the same reason.  It’s like going to a convention and finally everyone has a story to share, because you simply showed up and attended.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba cat

"Ready to Dive"

I think what made the experience so nice was how easy the diving became.  Setup in the back of what I think is one of the best ever designed platforms, wide open where easily four people can enter at the same time safely.  The crews at the back are able to help and quickly learn everyone’s needs and are always looking out for you.  They wash your gear off after every dive and clean up for the night too.  Easily you can do five dives in a day!

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba Cat"


The Dive Masters, are comforting, knowledgeable and don’t stray from the manual; safety was always first.  The orientations prior to every dive spot on.

My Wife was in a peculiar position.  Unlike me, I was up for every dive.  She is safety conscious and honestly does a great check every time.  No shortcuts.  I was a Husband who wanted to have her on every dive.  What I needed to learn was that by doing that put her in a rushed mode and her comfort zone was being tampered with.  I just love doing stuff with her.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba Cat

"Amy, Andy and Kate"

This is where Sarah came in and became Amy’s most trusted Dive Buddy and now a dear friend.  At that time, Sarah was on board as a Divemaster, now she’s the Queen of the fleet.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba Cat


As mentioned earlier, Amy is safety conscious.  She likes to drop down when she is ready.  Diving shouldn’t be stressful as it is a vacation and why bother if you are worried.

I would go off with the rest of the family, Amy, still not too many dives in, was guided by Sarah. The perfect combination; Sarah’s experience and understand built confidence in Amy’s skills.  In a nutshell, they would usually jump in last and take their time.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand MV Scuba Cat

"The Family"

Amy has since moved towards Advanced.  In addition, while most folks don’t care for night diving, within the first two days Sarah and Amy were down at night!  It blew me away.

Something that weighed heavily in building that trust was when Sarah approached us both to discuss an issue with Amy.  She was moving towards Advanced certification with the additional dives she as doing and taking tests on board Scuba Cat.  Sarah said that she didn’t want to move Amy towards Advanced, but offered an Adventure certification.  Simple put, given Amy’s regularity with diving and her comfort, she didn’t want to put Amy in a situation with another Dive Company somewhere out there and their expectations be a burden to her and put her at risk.  It allowed her to learn, move forward with skills and build confidence, but not rushed.

There are a lot of outfits that push you to move quickly through the certification because it makes revenue, I’ve seen some real bad skills and people call them selves Advanced.  Example:  No touchie, just lookie…  Yes, “Advanced” folks touching! NO!

I know that strays from the intent of this entry, but I am trying to show the consciousness of the now owner and integrity over selling another certification.

Diving is a great sport, opens travel to a whole other world, but like in any other sport you need to know your comfort level.  The addition of water isn’t to be scared of, it needs to be respected on every dive.  Experience isn’t the only factor, relearning and doing every check is important too.

Back to the “Cat” – Every Divemaster has been great, the food, amazing and the deck crew always smiling.  By the way, a reminder, if someone is taking extra care of you, it’s good to remember them when they are saying bye to you.  These folks work hard and are another fail safe in an experience on any boat.

Scuba Cat Diving Phuket Thailand Similans No 8

"Island 8"

We have been out to the Similan Islands five times now.  Every moment leading up to the transfer boat and the first glimpse of Scuba cat are Exciting.  Meeting new people, bumping into old friends, and sharing new stories.  The tough part is leaving.  A magical experience;  There may be other boats, but Scuba Cat was one of the first.  We just wish it were closer to get to…  I always say “Bye for now” then I know I will be coming back to visit and see great people soon too.