Racha Yai Dive Sites - Siam Bay

Depth: 5-15m

Current: Mild

Experience: Beginner

In this huge calm bay you can make various different dives and enjoy the great variety of coral. Bottom is sandy with coral bommies around, very relaxing dive. Lots of small interesting stuff like Anemones, Nudibranches, Shrimps and Snails. Huge schools of Fusiliers and small Yellowtail Barracudas as well as a school of bigger Chevron Barracudas that are seen on almost every dive there.

Did you know?

There are 5 statues in Siam Bay two elephants, a temple, a buddah and an oyster ... over 5 meters tall! these are all part of a project to create an artificial reef for siam bay.

Club Anemone
